Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm a Winner

Okay. This is seriously off-topic.

But look what I won! 
Turns out I can't really take a picture of my own hand!

 I'll start at the beginning. 

I was looking for a little fashion help. 
You know... frugal fashion for the over forty! 
That's pretty specific, but it dawned on me, "There must be a blog for that!" (I'm smart that way.)

So in my search, I came across SheFinds. I Love it! So I signed up for a give-away they were having.

And look what I won! 
Just in time for summer toes!
Can you tell I'm excited? (!!!) 

Seems like a little thing, but it's not just the prize. It's the quality! I expected 5 or 6 sample size bottles.  

Count 'em, 12 full size bottles of O.P.I. polish.
I feel some serious teenage girl bonding sessions coming on! (So cool, too, that the colors that are terrible on me look beautiful on her!)

Just had to celebrate!